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Evaluation Questions

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Online Marketing

I have created an Instagram page for the online marketing of my magazine as well. @coral.magz I used to make marketing posts for the page as well.

Marketing Kit

 For the marketing of my magazine I have created a marketing kit.

Final Product: Main Task - Beauty Magazine


Double Spread: Construction - Editing and Designing

I started by constructing the layout for my spreadsheet first following the sketch that I had made after I had improved the brightness and lighting on the image. I then added the heading using the font 'Bahnscrift' in bold.  In order to add the article I had written within the shape, I used this technique of using the pen tool to first outline the shape and then add the text within the shape before hiding the layer with the highlighted shape. Finally, I added some text on the top-right corner as well, using the font 'Freestyle script'.  

Prep: Double-Spread Shortlisted Image

 Here is the Image I shortlisted for the double-spread sheet.

Prep: Double-Spread Layout Inspirations


Content-Page: Construction - Designing and Editing

Before starting the construction of my content page, I needed a grid and guidelines on the page to structure the layout, before I added the content lines and images. Then I removed the grid and began adding the content lines. I played around with a bunch of different fonts for a bit and finalized a blend of various fonts and text sizes. To add the images I first removed their background using the pen tool and masking techniques in photoshop and then added each image alongside its relating content line. Though my content page had begun to get a pretty cool look, I felt like the black and white themed content page wouldn't go with the color theme I used on the cover page. So I decided to add more colour to it. I decided on using Black and Red  I think it looked much better this way, but most of my content lines and captions in red weren't readable. So I added some shade to it. The image at the bottom blended in with the black background so I added a red box behind it to make it p...

Prep: Content-Page Images and Behind-the-scenes

 Here are the images I took for my content page.