The following are the results of the school magazine survey I conducted for my research.
What is your gender?
Multiple Choice
What is your age?
Multiple Choice
Since its a school magazine, my target audience should supposedly be around the ages of 15-18 or even above. The majority of the respondents are above 18, which is fine for my research.
Do you enjoy reading school magazines.
Multiple Choice
This questions was necessary to ask to know the size of my audience, i.e. how many people would really read a school magazine. According to these results, majority respondents don't mind reading it, which means they could make up a fine market for a school magazine, but only when it is interesting to them.
What would you like to read in a school magazine?
Multiple Choice
I thought, as a follow up question, it would also be necessary to ask what would really interest them. An equal number of respondents have chosen educational and informative stuff. I think this would be helpful in deciding a sub-genre for my school magazine.
Would you like your favourite bands’ or celebrity's posters in a school magazine?
Multiple Choice
Asking this question, was an attempt to look for ways that could be used for marketing my magazine. I think this would help me in getting more readers, since the majority respondents have also appreciated this idea.
Do you think school magazines can help you in some way?
Multiple Choice
How much would you like to spend on a school magazine?
Multiple Choice
It was also important for me to know the price that readers are willing to pay, as this would also determine the number of pages the magazine would be consisting of. So, around 15-16 pages would be enough.
What more would you like in a school magazine?
I asked open-ended question, so that the respondents could themselves elaborate their views and interests regarding school magazines.
Why do you think school magazines are becoming unpopular?
It was interesting to know what the readers consume as a substitute for school magazines. Majority suggests that it is because of the internet that school magazine are becoming unpopular, which sounds pretty rational
Do you think students should read school magazines?
Multiple Choice
In what ways do you think school magazines could be made helpful?
The respondents further elaborated their expectations of a school magazine.
So, now I can make sure that I implement as much of these ideas and information in creating a school magazine as possible.
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