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Construction: Cover Page - Designing and Editing

I started off by first improving the lighting of my main image as it wasn't quite satisfactory before.

I then added the logo, using the font Times New Roman. Since there was already a lot of colour because of the greenery in the background and my model's dress, I decided o go with a clear masthead so I don't overdo it/. But I did add a slight red shadow to it so it also doesn't looks dull and becomes more prominent.

I then began to add the cover-lines. I wanted to highlight some of the cover-lines so I formed bars of different colours, reduced their transparency and added the text on top of them. I used bright colours for these bars so the clear text is easy to read and the overall theme doesn't look boring. I used a sans serif font for the cover-lines to create an informal impression since its for students.

Then came the strap-line and the rest of the final touches including the barcode.


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